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Anak Pertama Ku!

External links - Jquery Cinta panggilannya, anak pintar yang hobi makan, baca buku, renang,dengerin music dan cabutin jenggot ayahnya…..hehehehehehe…… anak pertamaku ini memiliki cita-cita menjadi Dokter Spesialis....amin....mudah-mudahan terkabulkan ya nak Kebersihan adalah yang utama buat kenyamanan menurutnya:)

anak Keduaku !

Thumbnail image that says sleek button using photoshop that links to a Photoshop tutoril. Bokin adalah panggilan sehari-harinya, yang memiliki terlalu banyak hobi, salah satunya membaca, olah raga, main game itu pasti…..jahil kepada kaka dan adiknya adalah salah satu hobi favorit yang tidak bisa ditinggalkan.

hehehehehe....kebiasaan jahil yang menyebalkan.

setiap hari libur keinginannya selalu bangun siang ! Cita-cita yang nya ingin menjadi PILOT:)

Anak Bungsuku !

Thumbnail image that says sleek button using photoshop that links to a Photoshop tutoril. Kasih adalah panggilan sehari-harinya, anak pintar yang memiliki hobi memegang andeng2 ibunya, membaca, bernyanyi, menggambar itu pasti…..kalau untuk urusan JAHIL bungsuku tak ketinggalan dari kaka laki-lakinya..hehehehehehehehe...kadang bikin kesel, kadang bikin gemes. Rangking disekolah adalah nomor satu buatnya.

Prestasi sekolah sangat-sangat cukup membanggakan, jempol banget deh...I LOVE U.

Susu dan bubur bayi hal yang sangat sulit dipisahkan ! cita-cita nya ingin menjadi Dokter:)

Selasa, 21 April 2009

Seven success tips

13.21 |

Successful people are those who keep trying, even though many have experienced failure. He looked life as an opportunity to achieve success. That's roughly the conclusion of the research during 40 years of successful people. Found that of those tested is how and why they are to become top in their respective fields, from sports, education, to the capital market.

What they know and do to be successful? Here are seven things that made them successful in achieving:

1. People want to take the risk of success. They attempt to reach the target, making a saving, build relationships with people, and the spirited attempt something new in order to follow the progress of the age. David C. McClelland, a professor of the journey deep into the people and the success has to travel to many countries and train small entrepreneurs, says how to become a successful small businessman with a moderate risk taker, who would continue to take risks to achieve success.

2. Successful people and feel confident that they do for the world. They consider a world of great and want to play an important role in it. They still work according to their skills, while still aware that the core skills to provide value to the other skills. They are also aware, the paper will answer the compensation for them.
3. Successful people who enjoy what they are doing. They were able to see work as fun, they choose to work where they can excel. People like the challenge of success they enjoy the achievement of their top game, whether at work, the tennis court or golf course.

4. Successful people are lifelong students. They are aware that education never ends, but begins at every level of life and continues until the end of life. Education is not limited in the classroom; means trying new ideas, reading books, newspapers, magazines, and Internet use is a form of education also. Therefore, we will change according to your interest and ability, and enjoy the changes. This will help you grow and feel more confident.

5. Successful people have a certain positive of what they can do, and this extends to other things. They believe that a glass half full and not half empty. They inculcate the spirit of the self and self can imagine how they successfully complete a difficult task or reach the highest award. Successful people do is like a coach for others, presenting with positive messages in everyday life. They were happy to see other people make a milestone in their lives.

6. Successful people have many ways to motivate themselves so that they can continue to work better than others. There is a way to do some work on the field every day is different. An old man half to motivate himself with trying to get more money from the brother. A woman aged 29 years to become a nurse to show the former teacher that he has adequate skills and acumen to achieve the profession.

7. People do not successfully complete the task with a half-half, and their use in creative ways to reach success. Even though may take longer, they will eventually exceed the finis. They take advantage of the time in synergize with both physical and mental ability to achieve success.

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